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Monday, January 22, 2007

Two biggest Linux groups merge to be Linux Foundation

www.chinaview.cn 2007-01-23 09:30:28

BEIJING, Jan. 23 (Xinhuanet) -- The two biggest supporters of Linux software have merged to form the Linux Foundation.

A San Francisco non-profit, the Free Standards Group, have merged with Open Source Development Labs of Beaverton, Ore., the organizations said on Tuesday in a joint statement.

The Linux operating system competes with Microsoft Windows and Unix as the computer platform for other software programs to run on. It is open-source software, which means the code is publicly available and can be changed by anyone.

The Linux foundation's members include major technology companies such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Oracle, as well as the two largest Linux makers, Novell and Red Hat. It will be led by Jim Zemlin, former executive director of the Free Standards Group.

The new group will defend Linux vendors and customers against intellectual property lawsuits. It also plans to help increase usage of Linux by aiding development of the software and helping the operating system work with open-source and proprietary software.


from http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-01/23/content_5640559.htm

From me :
Indonesia has a lot of capable and competent person to develope many open source system. Unfortunatelly, The government not too concern about this. Government of Indonesia must pay a lot for proprietary software. It doesn't mean that we can't use the propietary software, but there are a lot of software that can be used freely to support their work.
I'm wondering if all of intelectual in software engineering work together with government to use and develope a cheap software...... hem... maybe I can join it.

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