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Saturday, June 30, 2007

First Time to Get Loss

Preparation course in UNSW not make me feel busy. I prefer to use my spare time and get loss around Sydney and enjoy this city. As I told you, this is an easy city... I mean, just buy the travel weekly ticket and you can go anywhere in Sydney by bus. Hem...

Okay, these are some of interesting things that I got from a few days ago.

me and a famous family... but I'm not part of them, he2...

UNSW library building captured from Randwick

Bicycle and pedestrian road....

If you come from European country or US, this sign will really help you

Vandalism not only happen in my country

In Indonesia, it's called "kereta kelinci"

memorial for bali bombing victims... Cogee beach

Cogee beach...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sydney first week

I came to Sydney three days ago, picked up by senior UNSW student. It was a long flight from Jakarta to Sydney (6.5 hours).
14 celcius...... on the average.... sometimes 5 degree, hem... it's winter here. I live in Doncaster Avenue, 15 minutes walk to University of New South Wales.

Today, I spend my time to have a site seeing in Sydney CBD, Darling Harbour, Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, and enjoy the easy life in Sydney by using bus and train....

Here are some of my pictures.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My wedding

May 5, 2007 became an important day for me... I was married.....

Robertus Setiawan Aji Nugroho., ST & Bernadia Linggar Yekti Nugraheni., SE., MCOM., Akt

I played violin and my wife sang "The Prayer", together with "D'Angelis Chamber Orchestra"

Sorry for being lazy

It has been more than one month since the last time I wrote something here.... To many activities and lack of internet connection just made me easily forgot this blog.....