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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weird dream

Two days ago, I got stuck on my assignment. I couldn't solve two last questions from fourteen questions provided. Actually it was OK if I just left it since it'll give me less than 20% of overall assignment mark. I got the other 12 totally correct, I do believe it. So I just left it and having a great weekend, some beers and (unfortunately) a cigarette (believe me, it was just social smoking.. I'm not a smoker now,he2...).

Sunday night I still had a chat with my beloved Ling till 2pm (thanks for a communication company which provided her with free of charge GPRS connection, hi2... ssst). Then, I felt a sleep and I started to dream about anything, hi2.... last time, I dream about my project, bwahaha in my dream, I tried hard to solve my project (It's a usual dream if you get stressed with something), but I enjoyed it.. I didn't get stressed because of anything, I tried to enjoy my life here, no time to be busy..... Finally, I just said 'horray' because I can solve my problems. I wake up and directly go to my laptop, connect to campus's server and write what I've done in my dream and compile it.... ha2.... it works, totally correct. Great and weird dream. I wonder I could have this kind of dream for my projects, ha2....

So, here, what're the recipes?
1. Keep relax when you do something, don't let it burdening you
2. Keep focus to all what you want to do (sometimes if we can't solve a problem, it's because we aren't focus to the problem)
3. Reward yourself if you can do something... Just make a time management for a week and if you can reach the target, you should reward yourself... Anything.. (last week I reward myself because I can finish all the projects before my own due by buying an electrical violin (ha2... don't do this, will lead you to bankrupt if you do this all the time....), I plan to go to the beach if I finish this assignment... and it's my time to do it, he2....
4. Make your own due date (should have enough spare time to check it twice or more before submit)
5. Spell my name three times if you have problems, hi2.....

-- My messy heaven taken this morning

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