"In Finem Omnia" Football Club

From left to right
Up : Setyo "plenthi" Hari (keeper), Prima "kocan" Damar (defence), Setiawan Aji (me, striker), Danang "jinguk" Pamungkas (defence), Joko "Jiwo" (playmaker), Andreas "Kristin" Ari (striker)
Down : Andon "Kothak" (right wing), Hari "Kace" Sigit (Left Wing), Dimas "Celeng" Ariyanto (defence), Budi "Cakil" Gunawan (playmaker)
Yesterday I surfed the Internet. I want to write a blog, but there were no ideas at all. I looked for a picture and found an old picture of me and my football team. Since high school, I joint the Seminari Mertoyudan football club. Every year we have an league and in 1999, my team won as the first. Unfortunally, I already stopped to play football. To many other bussines in my life. Sometimes I really miss to wear a footbal shoes, team's shirt, kick the ball, play as striker and make a goal. He2....
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