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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Engagement

November 25, 2006 become my memorial day. I have engaged with someone... At first, it's so strange when I must use a ring in my finger. It's because I never wear acessories in my body. I like a freedom, free to choose someone that I love, free to express my passion. I'm happy with all of this. Try to keep the faith...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy B'Day for me

I'm 25 years old now, I'm happy for it. many friends call or sms me and say "Happy B'day". Thank you for all my friend, my brother, sister, my beloved, for all of your support. I hope I could improve myself to be better, to have more in quality......

God bless us

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Five Steps of Ignatian Paradigm in Teaching and Learning

As a lecturer, I found a lot of problems in teaching and learning process. Not all of students have high motivation in learning, especially in the class. Only about 30% students can reach the aim of the subject. The other 70% do not have efforts to get the subject's aim. I try to observe why they aren't have interest to the subject. I teach a subject that have lack of theory, and students being bored with that. It's a big problem for me as a teacher.
I found a book from Jesuit community about how they design the teaching and learning method in the class. This method is called Ignatian Pedagogy. There are five important steps in this paradigm:

1.Context of learning.
Fundamental theory and the aim of the subject must be introduced to students in the beginning of the class. Knowing the aim and fundamental theory, students are motivated about the importance this subject to their future. I try to design the simplest fundamental theory so it can be understand by students easily.

After they got the fundamental theory and know the aim of the subject. I design a case study and give them task to observe this case study. I try to design a case study that present in their daily live and easy to understand. As an example in database design subject, I ask the students to analyze the requirement of a local company in order to build an information system for that company. Students choose the company by them self and observe by their own method.

In this steps, students try to give feedback to their own analysis by discussing it. After that, they must design the system based on their analysis in formal method given at the context of learning step.

The students try to implement to code based on the design they made before. In this action, the students have a new problem on how to implement the design into code. They try to solve this problem by learning the programming language that they need by them self. Of course we must help them by giving the resource that they need and supervise them.

This is an important step for the students to evaluate their task. The students perform their task in a presentation and the other students and me give feedback to what they have did. Students so happy when they finish their task and evaluated by other students and the lecturer.

By doing something, they learn by them self about the subject. As lecturer, I just want to be a facilitator for them. And by doing something, students will have an experience that will stay longer in their mind compared with only listening in the class or reading a textbook. I'm happy with the result, because more then 50% of students that passed this subject with good mark. I ask students to evaluate this method and almost all of them said that this method is easier to understand. I try to implement this pedagogy in all of my subject such as Computer Organization, Database Programming, Relational Database Management System, Database Administration, Embedded System, etc. Hem, anyone to share with me about teaching and learning method......

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Indosity is a computer application for creative exploration, evaluation and training in urban design and planning within a Southeast-Asian context. Trainees and users can build models of quarters or part of cities by arranging predefined building modules. The urban area created can then be discussed and checked for design flaws from it's physical shape and relating urban figures and metrics.

'Indosity' aims at building up skills for :

Reading and creating 2D plans for contextual urban quarters from a 3D point of view
Understanding functions of building modules
Understanding relations between building modules
Understanding relations between form and function
Tackling 'empty' spaces

Team :
User requirements : Dr.-Ing. Markus Zand B.Sc. M. Arch. (Urban design and planning)
Technical Architecture : Thomas Zwicker M.Sc (Software Design)
Design, Implementation and Testing : Computer Science Faculty of Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang
R. Setiawan Aji Nugroho (Database)
Daniel Adinugroho (Artificial Intelligence)
Reviewing Board : Dr.-Ing. Markus Zand B.Sc. M. Arch.

Budgeting Software for Government Territory

My Latest project is to create a software for managing budget in government territory. I collaborate with SPMU-TPSDP of Economic Faculty of Diponegoro University. This software will be implemented in some government consul in Indonesia.
The idea of this project is based on the new Internal Affairs Ministry rule no.13 2006 about budget management in government territory. This software created because this rule has some fundamental differences with the old one in format or in the code. People will have a lot of problem if they arrange it manually because there are a lot of dynamics code and value that must be reported. Using this software, all account reported and computed automatically.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Mathematic Logic Competition 2
Computer Science of Soegijapranata Catholic University

MLC 2 is a higly prestigious competition for high school students because there are about 40 students choosed and compete in an online mathematic logic test.

This is the second time Computer Science Faculty of Soegijapranata Catholic Unversity held a highly competitive competition. But why should mathematics logic? Students often scared with mathematic lesson in the class because it's lack of algorithm and a lot of things to be remember. But, actually there are a lot of parts of mathematics that do not need any algorithm knowledge, just use our logic ability. But it's not easy as our imagination, and this is a new chalenge for students who wants to improve their logic ability.

Just check out at http://www.unika.ac.id/lomba

My Lovely Laptop

Brand : Elitegroup Computer System
Type : A535+
Proc : AMD Athlon XP 1400+
Memory : 384 Mhz
HD : 20G
OS : Novell Suse 10.1

It's a cheap laptop, but it's so important for me....
It gives me much, and I love it.
Actually I'm confused whether I must buy a new laptop for my further study or not. I need a laptop with high specification, but I don't know. I just can't leave my old notebook.... hem....
it's not my first or second love but, I think it's nice. Althoug the battery is dropped and it's quite heavy.....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

hai...hai..hai, so long to be absent from this blog... but a lot of things that i must do...
hem, finally, I got a scholarship from ausaid... it's so nice for me.... I'll study at australian university at july 2007. I must take the English for Academic Purpose Course at IALF Jakarta, start from 22 January 2007... for about 3 months...

What a wonderful gift from Lord, thanks for everything I got....